Ceramic Fiber Moldable
Home > Products > REFSOURCE Fiber Products > Ceramic Fiber Wet Mix Products > Ceramic Fiber Moldable
REFSOURCE moldable is used to prevent heat loss caused by the deterioration of the existing lining and can be installed using a trowel, a caulking gun or a pump.
REFSOURCE moldable is multipurpose form of ceramic fiber dispersed in a sticky, cohesive binder system that adheres to most ceramic and metallic surfaces.
- Low thermal conductivity
- Low heat storage
- Reduces fume emission around refractory
- Excellent thermal shock resistance
- Resistance to gas velocity
- Easy to install
- Adheres to most ceramic and metallic surfaces
- Excellent corrosion resistance
- Inert to most chemicals
- Impermeable to molten aluminum, zinc, copper, lead
- To form troughs or liners for non ferrous metal transfer
- Gaskets and seals around burner blocks
- Protection of metallic parts from heat
- Pump into voids in badly damaged back up insulation
- Gaskets and seals for chimneys and stacks
- Boiler doors seals and thermal insulation
- To fill voids and cracks in refractory surface