EAF & DC Deltas
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While the speed and efficiencies of today's electric furnaces have been instrumental in increasing steel production, the delta section remains one of the toughest refractory applications in the industry. Electric Furnace Deltas must resist the chemical, thermal and mechanical abuse in order to add value to the steelmaker's operation.
With over 100 combined years of precast refractory experience, we are able to recommend an optimum solution for your EAF & DC Deltas. When your project demands the right materials and design, URC is there to meet and exceed your expectations. Our REFSOURCE precast EAF & DC Deltas maximize value by extending service life in a cost-effective manner.
1. Designs: URC designs and manufacturers our REFSOURCE Deltas to meet your specific needs and furnace size. Examples include:
- Refractory Flange
(Alumina Chrome Composition) - Refractory Flange
(Large Design / Alumina) - Water Cooled Ring
- Steel Flange
- DC Delta
- Drop-in Delta
2. Products: The URC compositions used in our REFSOURCE Deltas are designed to match the operating conditions of the furnace and process. The features of the compositions include:
- Al2O3 content from 85 to 90%
- Extra coarse aggregate to maximize thermal shrink and minimize cracking
- Optional SS fibers to minimize crack propagation
- Low and Ultra Low cement formulations to maximize hot strength
- Optional chrome additions to minimize corrosion
The custom designed URC products for the REFSOURCE deltas have helped us compile an excellent service record, with over 1000 deltas successfully run in the US!
3. Delta Audit:

In order to maximize delta performance, URC needs to understand...
- Furnace process details
- Current and Past delta experience
- Overall shop expectations
Click Here to Download URC REFSOURCE Delta Audit
By completing the URC REFSOURCE Delta audit with a URC rep, URC is in the best positions to customize both design and composition to deliver cost-effective performance.